About Me

- NAME: Jolín
- AGE: 20
- PRONOUN: they / them

Hello, I'm Jolín!
With social media sites all going downhill, I found myself moving back to tumblr (Find my Tumblr here). Through Tubmlr, I found Neocities. I became obsessed with scrolling through all the websites all day, and eventually I wanted to make my own. I am really new to HTML, but I found it is really easy to just look up when you don't know how to do something.
I really love 2000s aesthetics, as they remind me of my childhood. I even love the tackiness of it. I adore that the sites here share that old-web feel. I think my site may have more modern touches than usual, but I also know that I would have created something like this if I could make a site as a kid.
I am in college, so I will not be able to update often.
I hope you enjoy looking through my site, and thank you for stopping by!